23/24 Stimulating, Structuring and Supporting Writing Through Drama

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Event Details

Start Date and Time Wednesday 24 January 9:30 am
End Date and Time Wednesday 24 January 12:00 pm
Peter Kennedy
Location University Centre Shrewsbury
Parking YesChargable

Event Prices

Subscriber Credit Cost 1.50
Subscriber Cost 68.00
PAYG Credit Cost 2.00
PAYG Cost 105.00


This course is for teachers of KS1 and KS2 as well as Heads and Deputy Heads who are seeking to improve the writing outcomes of their learners. 

The focus of this course is the use of drama pedagogy to enable learners to produce high quality writing. This will include specific examples of structuring drama for writing:

·       Detailed sentences

·       Setting description

·       Play-scripts

·       Creative narrative

·       Newspaper reports

·       Non-chronological reports

·       Diaries

·       Speeches


The course leader will draw on his own experience of using drama for writing and demonstrate:

·       how to select appropriate drama strategies to stimulate ideas and develop vocabulary

·       how to sequence drama strategies to support specific writing outcomes

·       how to manage the use of drama in the classroom to ensure a calm and purposeful learning environment


Schools will:

  • develop their confidence to plan and lead compelling, active learning experiences for their learners which lead to positive writing outcomes
  • be equipped with an extensive repertoire of drama techniques and strategies that can be used to engage, motivate and enthuse children of different ages and abilities
  • understand how to link practical drama to high quality writing
  • learn how to work with a range of texts to stimulate and inspire their learners
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