23/24 Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Workshop

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Cross Phase
Early Years


Education Psychology Service

Event Details

Start Date and Time Thursday 14 March 9:15 am
End Date and Time Thursday 14 March 12:30 pm
Jennifer Heseltine
Location University Centre Shrewsbury
Parking YesChargable

Event Prices

Subscriber Credit Cost .00
Subscriber Cost .00
PAYG Credit Cost .00
PAYG Cost .00
EYFS Cost .00


Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) is an umbrella term used to describe children and young people who have severe difficulty attending school due to emotional factors, which can result in prolonged absence from school.  The impact of EBSA can be far reaching for the young person and their family.  It can have a negative impact on short and long-term outcomes. 


There is no single cause of EBSA and there are likely to be a range of contributory factors.  The COVID 19 pandemic has let to unprecedented and unique circumstances, the emotional impact of which may have intensified or created additional contributory factors for EBSA.


Schools have a pivotal role to play in identifying and intervening to support children and young people with EBSA.  This EBSA Awareness course is designed for school staff alongside a practically based EBSA Workshop to help develop knowledge and practice.  EBSA Awareness is also of interest to professionals from a range of agencies and teams who work with children and young people and their families.


Schools will:

  • Understanding of EBSA
  • Be better equipped to identify EBSA earlier
  • Develop knowledge and practice related to EBSA

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